Application Fee: $50 (one-time, due with application)
Registration & Materials Fee: $775 (yearly, due 10 days after acceptance)
Lower Elementary Program: $9,000
Upper Elementary Program: $9,000
Primary Full-Day Program: $7,900
Primary Half-Day Program: $5,600
Tuition is yearly and may be paid all at once or in 10 equal monthly installments with the first installment due on August 1, 2025.
The above fees are to be paid through SchoolCues, by ACH transfer or credit card. All fees are non-refundable.
Because our school is not-for-profit and highly subsidized by generous community members, we request parents to pay the full fee if they are able.
SIBLINGS – Parents may apply for a tuition discount as follows:
- The oldest child pays the full program tuition
- 20% discount for the second sibling
- 40% discount for subsequent siblings
PAYMENT IN FULL – Parents may apply for a 2% tuition discount if tuition is paid in full by August 1, 2025. This discount is only available to students paying the full program tuition.